I suppose if you were to say the words “Mennonite Sundae” a whole array of toppings might cross your mind: rhubarb, waffle sauce, Roger’s Golden syrup, blueberries, anise, maybe a sprinkle of farmer sausage to give it a unique twist. Well, by all means you can make your own Mennonite sundae, but I doubt they’ll beat the one at First Choice in Steinbach!
The thing is…it’s so simple: soft vanilla ice cream, sunflower seeds, and maple syrup. I suppose the only thing really Menno about it is the knackzoat. (Don’t worry, they’re all pre-knacked). So, no, it doesn’t have all the wide array of stuff thrown on there like I was fantasizing.
However, after one scoop, I was hooked. I wouldn’t add a thing. It’s the perfect combination. Try it for yourself this summer!