My last post was all about how Andrew and I finally explored Bush Farm Trail and saw its plaque denoting its historical significance.
You know… we knew about this plaque this whole time, because of the Historical Atlas of the East Reserve. I think we were kind of saving it… because it’s both really beautiful, and really close. We were using the Atlas to explore a little further out.
This is a great time for you to do the same thing, if you wanted. I mean, there are many things we can no longer do — but exploring abandoned cemeteries? There’s no ban on that, and I am so grateful.
Here are a few photos of me following the Historical Atlas of the East Reserve to locate various hidden or unknown cemeteries over the past year or two:

If you’re now inspired to get out there and explore, you can order the Historical Atlas of the East Reserve online from these sources, and have it shipped right to you!
Village Books & Gifts at the Mennonite Heritage Village in Steinbach
CommonWord Bookstore & Resource Centre at Canadian Mennonite University in Winnipeg