This is not Mennonite, but it is a designated heritage site, and it is nearby, so I had to see it.
This past spring, I went to see the Lambert House. Judging by the picture on the MHS website, I felt like time was running out. It felt urgent.
What do I know about this place? Not much.
The Historic Sites of Manitoba website tells me that the Lambert House in the Rural Municipality of De Salaberry was built around 1909 by the Lambert family. In 2001 it became a municipally-designated historic site.
Googling a little more, the provincial government’s Municipal Heritage Sites page suggests that this house was built with “distinct French attributes” noting the “gambrel” roof is particularly French.
Thing is, the picture on that website is NOT of this house. Unless the roofline has somehow changed over the years. You be the judge, here’s the link.
Anyway, according to that site, “new” owners plan to make this into a museum. Wouldn’t that be fantastic?! However I’m not getting my hopes up, because who knows how many years that speculation has been sitting there. Sigh…
This house is kind of interesting to me for a personal reason, because I grew up only a few miles away from here, and yet I did not know about it.
However, I think many others do know about it. I think some sketchy activity has happened here. I know because… well, here’s a secret, but I can tell you because you are a small self-selected thoughtful bunch who will probably not tell on me. Or maybe you will, because you feel everyone should follow the rules. I can definitely respect that. And so, I apologize for what I’m about to share here…
A view of the inside of the house:
I hate to state the obvious, but yes… that is a no trespassing sign on the feature photo. Yet clearly I had to do so in order to take this picture. I am so sorry. I know I am not supposed to. I think I have a bit of a problem.
I did NOT go inside. (I do have a healthy amount of skittish fear, after all.)
However, it gets worse:
I walked back a bit… it’s just such a fascinating spot and a fascinating structure.
I felt like there was a path so I followed it and found this. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an open well before… but I think this is probably one. And it felt really weird and sketchy to be there. It ain’t right. I backed slowly and carefully away.
A view up at the beautiful roof, with a ladder going up to the chimney. And a lilac bush in bloom. Always lilacs to mark former farm yards.
One last look as I forced my feet to carefully step away.
I am sorry for my misdeeds of trodding where I am not permitted. I know this is very bad. But at the same time I wanted to share these pictures because I worry this historic structure won’t be here much longer. I just don’t know what to do about helping whomever the owners are, if they are still hoping to turn this into a museum.
With hope and apologies,
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