Halbstadt & the Awesome Cairn!
For some reason I have it in my head that author Armin Wiebe was familiar with Halbstadt in his boyhood. I cannot trace nor recall […]
For some reason I have it in my head that author Armin Wiebe was familiar with Halbstadt in his boyhood. I cannot trace nor recall […]
Don’t you just love how I run around the West Reserve, not really knowing much about the history (not the way locals do, anyway!) and […]
Over a year ago, my mom told me about a cairn “somewhere near Morden” that was dedicated to my great-great-great-grandparents, Jacob and Maria (Fast) Braun. […]
Note: Evidently it’s been too long since I’ve read The Brauns of Osterwick! Turns out Jacob Braun was not buried in this cemetery because he […]
This is a sight many Gretna residents know well. Located at the junction of the 30 and the 243, Cairn Corner is, well, a collection […]