What can I say? Not many people read this blog… but those who do are of an incredible quality, in my opinion. Curious, brilliant, generous.
That’s how I came to be gifted with this beautiful book!
It was published in 1961 by Dr. Walter Quiring and Helen Bartel, printed at D.W. Friesen & Sons Ltd. of Altona.
It’s seen better days… but that’s certainly part of its charm, at least for me.
Here are a few of the pictures that caught my attention.

I appreciate how the introduction clarifies that this is NOT intended to be a pictorial history or complete inventory of all things Mennonite in Canada. I also appreciate how they’ve avoided grouping the Mennonites into categories of any sort. This is a record depicting what was (and what was history) in 1961.
I’m so grateful for this gift!