Kronsgard South with Joe: Is this my Bergman family history?

Continued from this post.


Next stop: Bergman history.

Joe is fearless and takes her car on roads like this with no problem. It was so fun!
The road closure looked like more of a suggestion, honestly.

In a previous attempt to explore Altona and pursue the Bergman line in my ancestry, I had been led to a house on the highway with a long driveway which there was no way I would drive down. So instead Andrew and I circled the section, me staring out the window at the house in the distance, wondering if it had anything to do with my grandma’s family. And then that was that.

This is as close as we got.

This time, a bit of a deeper dive. Joe brought me to the driveway of that house and once more we did not venture close as she does not know the people who own it, however she knows the house and yard well, as her grandparents had lived there. (The purchased it from the Bergmans, I believe. Ugh, my notes are not very precise.) She told me who is buried on the yard. I am fuzzy regarding my connection. And then, she mentioned the cemetery nearby on the same section, within view of the house.

Cemetery in foreground, Bergman farmstead in background.

She told me it’s not easy to get to – we’d have to walk, following the berm. No problem! I was wearing my trusty rubber boots and was ready.

Joe in the cemetery, fixing her footwear.

Joe called this Kronsgard South.

And then suddenly, a truck appeared on the berm. Someone had spotted us. For a second, I was afraid. But then remembered that every meeting I have ever had in a cemetery has been very good, and very thoughtful. This again proved to be the case. This was Edwin Guenther, who takes care of the cemetery.

Mr. Guenther, fixing a headstone.

It seemed like he wanted to explain to us that he was not neglecting it, he planned to return and cut the grass and prepare the cemetery for Father’s Day, which he said is a very important time for visiting cemeteries. However, we expressed to him that we appreciated seeing the cemetery returning to a bit of a state of wildness. He also told us he had planted a tree here to take the place of the large, very obviously dead tree. I told him I really liked that dead tree. But he said it is dangerous. Sigh. Fair enough. He also said that he calls this cemetery Alt Kronsgart.

I tried to find it on findagrave and it seems the spelling is Kronstgard but there’s no information on that page, not even a location. (Cemetery ID 2733529)

This is the first time I’ve seen a wooden grave marker! I’ve known they existed… but also that over time they decomposed. Not this one, though. (Yet.)

There are some Bergmans buried here. Are they related to me? I do not know. I have to dig into it. I’m hesitant to lay claim in my mind as names are reused so much and all sound familiar but it doesn’t always mean anything. And yet… it certainly can.

Bergman headstones in foreground, Bergman farm in background.

I know there is a connection here. So. I must pay more attention.

A few days later, just before posting, I finally searched on Grandma Online to see how I am related to the people in this cemetery.

Both Cornelius and Helena were first cousins to my Great-Grandmother Heinrichs. They were the first generation born in North America, their parents were siblings who were born in South Russia.

So, this farmstead belonged to my great-grandmother’s uncle.

(There are many more Bergman headstones in this cemetery but I cannot read many of them!)

Next, Bergfeld!