I’ve often written about the value I see in subscribing to (and reading through) Preservings. But there’s another publication that I’ve found much value in, and that is Heritage Posting (HP). It’s a publication of the Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society (MMHS), and because of HP I’ve learned many cool things about monuments and sites and trails and local historical efforts in the works.
Also fun fact, Mennotoba isn’t the only place that I write things. My writings also show up in Heritage Posting. (Often accidentally called Heritage Postings, due to that Mennonite tendency to add an s to every name, I suppose.)
Upon clicking this link, you’ll see that you can read past issues online… but the most updated version is available exclusively to members of the MMHS via email AND a physical copy that lands in our mailbox.
It’s super-affordable and well worth the membership and subscription.
In the most recent issue that Andrew and I received (I’m pictured proudly displaying the most recent edition of HP) I’m particularly captivated by the recurring Points of Interest feature, which in this edition highlights a key gravestone in a nearby cemetery which is accessible to the public, yet rarely visited, due to its location off a gravel road, near a grove of trees. I’ve seen the headstone myself… but its significance had escaped me. But because of HP, I now know more.
Also, the update on the Peace Trek is fantastic — did you know there are grand plans for 2024 already in the works? They’re hinted at in greater detail, in HP.
These are just a few things that jumped out at me, because I get fascinated with actual, physical, on-the-ground historical facts and plans. Also included is a deeper dive into the nature of faspa, “school rules”, and an article and QR code to a link to the MHV’s virtual Leaving Canada exhibit.
And how do you become a member?
Hilariously (or, perhaps not?) Andrew and I even attended a meeting of the MMHS and had been writing for HP before becoming members. I mean, that’s pretty ridiculous. I guess I tend to pay attention to when there are locally-held meetings of this sort and I just get curious to show up. And then we met and I daresay became friends with HP’s editor, and found ourselves writing for HP on occasion. But still we had not become members of the actual organization.
I remember attending that meeting and learning that the price to join the Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society is pretty much free. I mean, it’s twenty bucks for pete’s sake. It’s such a low price that Andrew and I whispered to each other, “Ummmmmm have we joined this yet? Oops. I don’t think we have.” But we’re so interested that everyone, including us, simply assumed we’d already joined yet. But no. So we made a solid effort to join and now we are MMHS-official. It’s easy. At the top of this website, you’ll see a red button that says “become a member”. The rest will be obvious.