You caught me. I’m the one stashing those back-issues of Preservings… not under the mattress, but on my bedside table. On the kitchen island. On the coffee table. The dining room table.
I didn’t know this publication existed! Anyone notice the MCC price sticker? I thought it was a bargain. I bought every single issue of Preservings I could find on those magazine racks. They looked a little dry, next to the splashy photos of the glossy Food Network magazines. It was probably that dryness, the columns of tiny black and white text, that attracted me. Words! So many words! I scuttled about the thrift shop, my arms laden with 10 back issues of Preservings. My treasure.
My next thought: “I wonder how many people read these…”
I got my answer when I cracked open issue No.15, from December 1999. This paragraph from the middle of the introduction jumped out at me: “Unfortunately our art contest did not bring forth quite as much response as hoped. Nevertheless we appreciate the two submissions which were made.” My heart did a funny little painful stabby twist.
When I told my mom that I had made a triumphant discovery of Preservings at the MCC, she informed me that my father had subscribed to this local historical publication. Well for pete’s sake. The things I hadn’t realized as a kid.
Anyone out there looking to offload more Preservings, let me know, I’m the market for more. Oh and hey, while we’re at it… anyone have a Steinbach EMB photo directory from the early 80’s? (Inquiring minds, eh?)