A few years ago it occurred to me that I should have a weekly breakfast date with my mom. An opportunity to sit leisurely with her and reflect upon our weeks. Often these times have been the source of extra information, too. Earlier this year, she mentioned a cemetery just off Highway 75 with a very long driveway — it’s where her uncle was buried, she remembers going there with family after the funeral service for the burial.
And that’s how I found Glenlea.
The stone above welcomes visitors with the words: “Glenlea Mennonite Church Cemetery – Dedicated to the Pioneers whose hardwork, commitment and faith in God created new opportunities for family, community and church life. ‘… Looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith…’ Hebrews 12:2 (RSV) Est. 1928”
Andrew and I visited this cemetery on our 18th anniversary. It’s a very “us” way to celebrate. But really this was unintentional. We were on our way back from Winnipeg where we had discovered the movie theatres were closed on Mondays (this was at the time when were open at 25% capacity) so we had simply regretted not looking this up and were now heading home. We had time to kill and I was at the wheel and I spied what I figured must be the very long driveway to the Glenlea Cemetery and confidently took the random driveway.
Andrew was uncomfortable with this, until we arrived at the gates which proclaimed what I already was pretty sure I knew: we were about to explore a new (to us) cemetery!
It’s a very small, serene spot. It didn’t take long before I found my great-uncle’s headstone.
I guess that means my mom was here in 1992.
At the back of the cemetery is a chain link fence, beyond which is the Red River.
It’s there, beyond the trees in the foreground. The water was high and the foliage lush.
One last picture, of the lengthy driveway, as the sun set.
Nearby, we found the church which is associated with the cemetery.
Having just discovered this Mennonite church, I had to look it up on GAMEO it when we got home. I learned that it’s an independent church, established in 1925 by Mennonites who had just arrived from Russia. I also found their website and learned their pastor is Cheryl Braun. I do love seeing a female pastor of a Mennonite church. Especially one with such a neat little cemetery.