Zig Zag Mennos
I’ve been a little less on-the-ball with posting lately. I’ve been preoccupied with attempting to solve the riddle of vaccine-hesitant Mennonites. I KNOW. I KNOW. I […]
I’ve been a little less on-the-ball with posting lately. I’ve been preoccupied with attempting to solve the riddle of vaccine-hesitant Mennonites. I KNOW. I KNOW. I […]
Whether you realize it or not, you probably have a “favourite tree”. Yesterday I thought about mine, while in conversation with Jac Siemens. I spent […]
Sometime in April, Andrew and I went to see the Dawson Trail Museum in Richer. You know, there are a surprising number of these little […]
EAST RESERVE I’ve been reading history books again and here are a few disjointed thoughts on how often, and how far, the Manitoba Mennonites of […]
Joanne Epp grew up in central Saskatchewan and still goes back as often as she can. Married with two grown sons, she spent several years […]